The weather forecast called for rain so we didn’t plan to get out much. We headed down to breakfast, then noticed it wasn’t raining yet so decided to risk a walk to the pedestrian street. I wanted to check out the bookstore (hoping to find some English/Chinese children’s books, but no such luck) and possibly find him some shoes (no luck there either as I was not going to pay $30-$50 US for a pair of shoes!!!)
Since it was still early (it was around 8:30, but Chinese stores don’t open til 9 or so) we checked out a grocery type store that was pretty cool. 3 stories of all kinds of things, the unusual, delicacy type things and more normal things such as dried mango – they gave us samples and it was DELICIOUS! – honey, nuts, etc. It was a really neat store. On the top level they had a restaurant where you could order whole goose. Caiden has developed a love of the escalators!
We spent the rest of the afternoon in the room. It did start lightly raining and we were still tired so it worked for us.
Dan broke out the chicken feet & squid. He said they weren’t bad – I took his word for it as I wasn’t about to try for myself.
It let up long enough for Dan to run to Pizza Hut for some dinner. Tried to get Caiden to eat a hamburger but he wanted nothing to do with it. Right now he’s existing on potatoes, rice & noodles :(
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