September 16, 2013

{School Update}

Kalia has been in school for just over 3 weeks now.

(ignore the lack of curtains & missing outlet cover. We were in the middle of remodeling)

I worried about her going. She was never really comfortable going to preschool. She enjoyed it once there, but drop offs were never easy.

Kindergarten is a whole different story. She LOVES it! She gets up in the morning with no whining, gets dressed, eats while watching her cartoons, brushes her teeth & tells us when it’s time to go. She’ll just grab her bag & sign “time for school”. I’m so happy that she’s happy!

She spends 75% of her time in the special ed classroom and 25% with her regular class. Both teachers are wonderful, but her special ed teacher is amazing! She is pushing Kalia to work hard, and rewarding her when she does. Kalia loves books, and her teacher is using that to  her advantage. She keeps a book in her desk, and a reward chart on top. She puts stickers on her chart & when she completes 3 activities (writing, alphabet cards, etc), she gets free time with her book. It’s working wonderfully! I’ve already seen a bit of improvement in her penmanship.

I’m so proud of her!

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