August 31, 2013

{She went & turned 17 on me}

I told her not to.

She did it anyway.

This beautiful girl of mine went & turned 17 on me.

amanda 17

She is growing into such a fine young lady. Everything I was hoping she’d be. Independent. Hardworking. Responsible. Kind. Strong.


I find myself constantly battling with letting her spread her wings, and keeping her under mine. It’s the hardest thing I’ve had to go through so far. But I will have to say she makes it fairly easy by being responsible and not pushing the boundaries too far.


She’s my oldest…my guinea pig, so to speak. I worry about whether I’m preparing her good enough for the future. Battling with letting her see & work through the tough stuff, while also trying to protect her from all the evil in the world.

She’s a good girl…so we must be doing something right! I’m so very proud of her!


1 comment:

  1. My girl turned 17 at the end of July. I struggle with letting her spread her wings too. I feel like I can impart so much help/knowledge on her, but she must make decisions on her own. I am trying to let her live her life like she is in college but still under my roof where I can help with decisions. She is a wonderful girl....God loving, good grades, job,LOVES her family, no drugs. Still hard to let them grow up and make mistakes without intervening....good luck to you. Your family is beautiful
