May 23, 2011

Weekend Fun

They said we were going to have storms all weekend....We were thankful they were wrong this time.

We started the weekend with a quick date night. We were able to grab an early dinner out (we tried a new little cafe that opened awhile back) before heading home to help Emilee get ready for her 6th grade dance.

Fast-Five-poster While she was at the dance, Dan & I snuck out to watch Fast Five. I've loved all of these movies, and this one did not disappoint either.

Saturday was beautiful! The sun was shining, the temps were warm, but not hot...absolutely fabulous.  I decided I wanted to ride my new bike again. I have had so much fun going bike riding this past week. I was able to get out & ride 4 days last week, for a total of 23 miles! Saturday we finally got the chance to ride the Katy trail. It's a nice little trail only for pedestrians & bikes that goes all the way across MO. I've waited a long time to be able to ride that trail, and now that I have my own bike I'm making it happen. We still need to find a trailer for Kalia to ride in...then we can bike ride as a family.

Dan is heading to AZ in the next few days to visit his daughter & mom, so we've been working on getting some projects done before he heads out. He managed to get the grass cut, so hopefully it won't need done again before he gets back (I haven't mowed grass since we've been married, and don't plan on starting now!) We also tackled getting some stuff moved to the attic and have defrosted the large freezer. I think the only thing left is to powerwash the deck, sidewalk & house. Then he's free until he returns :)

Sunday was also least until that evening. I was able to finish up with the cleaning and got Kalia outside to play. She loves to ride her trike down the road. We don't have much traffic, so sometimes we let her. There is a church on the corner, about 1/2 block away, that has a small play area that she likes to play on. Unfortunately it didn't click that that was where she was heading on her trike until she was halfway there & started pointing. was in session so she couldn't play. A minor tantrum ensued, but luckily I was able to divert her attention so it didn't last long.

That night the storms hit. It wasn't too bad in our area ( a little hail and some wind), but further south there were some major storms. It's so hard to look at pics of all the devastation. The entire roof was ripped off the hospital, and medical supplies got caught in the funnel and was dropped in a town 75 miles away! At last count there were over 100 confirmed deaths. Such a tragedy!


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