January 03, 2008

I found this here while blog-surfing and thought it was cute. Enjoy!
(It's been tweaked, of course, to include blogs I read)

T'was the Week After Christmas

T'was the week after Christmas and all through the home,
Every creature was stirring except for the Mom.

The stockings were packed up, the candy all eaten,
the games had been played and sore losers had been beaten.

The children were begging, "Please take us to shop",
to spend all of their money, most likely in one stop.

And Papa, he's sleeping all snug in his chair,
There are piles of stuff everywhere but he doesn't seem to care.

When from the office a familiar noise sounded,
I jumped from the couch and to the office I bounded.

Straight to the computer I headed so quick,
I knew in a second which button I'd click.

The screen shown so brightly it urged me to read it,
With so much interesting info I knew I needed to sit.

When what to my astonished eyes should download,
but tons of new posts I was in blog reading mode.

With so many bloggers I knew not where to begin,
it could take days, no weeks, to ever get to the end.

More quickly than DSL and faster than cable modem,
I was so excited to get started, I just wanted to read 'em.

First A Mother's Place or Aging With Grace, oh who to read first,
Our Journey to Kayla or Waiting for Lilly, oh my head might just burst.

To Catherine's Chatter or to Watch Our Family Grow,
and that Organized Junkie has she helped me so.

As I scrolled through my favorites and my pulse rate got higher,
maybe Do They Have Salsa in China or Rocks in My Dryer.

As I held on to the mouse and continued to scroll,
my vision started to grow fuzzy my eyes started to roll.

Oh the reading continued I'd missed everyone so much,
A few days of your not posting and I felt out of touch.

I needed to choose, to decide where to begin,
then I started to think- was spending all this time reading a sin?

I needed to do better, I may be addicted you see,
I can't live on this computer or my family may disown me.

So I'll continue to read all of these blogs and write posts of my own,
but my number one priorities will be my family and home.

So I close with these words, you guys are all great,
Thanks to you all for your encouraging words, laughter and tears!!!

God Bless you all in 2008!!!


  1. Too cute! I love it! I feel so honored to have made your list. Thanks!

  2. This is great Brandi. :) Thank you also for putting me on your list!

  3. Cute poem.

    I will have to admit for the past 2 days my blogging has cut into my family time in a major way. I have been trying to catch up since Christmas and then I got sick for a few days and that just threw everything out of wack. I will get there eventually, lol! Someday I might even get to do a post on my own blog, lol!!!

    Smiles! :o)
