September 27, 2007

Nominated for You Make Me Smile Award

I got nominated for another award from Cyndi at (I still need to post for the first one...that's coming up next)

This award is called You Make Me Smile Award. Here is what it means:

Here is what the person that created this award says about it: the thing that I love most about blogging is that I learn so much about a person just by reading their blog. I have met MANY wonderful people with wonderful stories to tell,and I am grateful every day for each person that I have the pleasure of crossing paths in life with.I wanted to create something special for the top ten people who have inspired me through their blogging; the stories they tell, and the lives that they lead with grace and dignity. I visit their blogs for inspiration and encouragement. Please grab your badge and wear it proudly, and pass it on because you inspire and encourage me. Thank you.

Thanks so much, Cyndi. I'm so glad I can make someone smile throughout this extremely long wait to our beautiful daughters!

I WILL wear this badge proudly and I will pass it on. I am to now nominate 10 people for this award. Not sure I can come up with 10, but I'll give it a shot.
I nominate:
2. Lisa


  1. OH WOW! Thank you Brandi! That was very sweet of make me smile too! ;)

  2. Thank you, this is so nice. Your blog makes me smile too!

  3. Thanks Brandi! I'm honored that you passed the badge of honor onto me. I also agree with Angie and Tamara that you make me smile too! What a great group of blogger friends!
